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In our supply chain, all producers are constantly checked to their compliance with European Norms on environmental safety, human health and quality standards. For example, we are testing our sole suppliers that their soles are harmless to human health and resistant to all kinds of weather conditions at international testing organizations such as INTERTEK.

In addition, we only use the REACH certified chemicals in our all tanning processes of sheepskin which are produced by international chemical companies such as STAHL and LOWENSTEIN. All the waste materials that are occured as a result of tanning processes, are recycled to the ecosystem with the latest technology in treatment facilities.

Moreover, we check the use of nickel free techniques in the production of all metal accessories we use on our footwear. From sheepskin to metal accessories, we comply with quality and health standards. Not satisfied with that our products are tested for human health and quality tests by independent organizations in snatches.

At first glance, products with a perfect design, may actually be of poor quality and harmful to human health. Moreover, it may have caused irreparable damage to nature in the production processes. In Pegia, we will be the safeguard of health and quality standards with a sense of responsibility to future generations. You could send an e-mail to support@pegia.com to get detailed information about our current test results and certification studies.